
2020年12月28日 星期一

人間殺戮場 世間大舞台 -天安門廣場(歷史上的今天20180720 第135期)

【細語人生】亂世沉浮 循人間正道(1)

She worked in the State Council's Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for more than 20 years. She attained the position of Deputy Director and Director of the General Office in those ministries. During the mid-1980s, She held a key position at the Chinese Embassy in Romania... 她先後在中共中央國務院「對外經濟聯絡部」、「對外貿易經濟合作部」工作長達二十幾年,曾任這些中央部委的辦公廳處長。八十年代中期,被派駐中國駐羅馬尼亞大使館長期工作,擔任要職.....

张亦洁【細語人生】亂世沉浮 循人間正道(2)

Ms. Zhang talked about an unknown inside story. In mainland China, twice a year, there is a world-scale trade fair at Guangzhou, during which one of the organizer's duties is to discover business secrets of the participating companies. The army's technical department provided equipment. Remote bugging was conducted through special cables. In western countries, any industrial espionage would have severe legal repercussions. Even phone-hacking of personal conversations is illegal. Even phone-hacking of personal conversations is illegal. However, in mainland China, the organizer of a major trade fair is routinely involved in wiretapping foreign business information. 張亦潔女士談到了一件不為人知的內幕:在中國大陸,一年二度的世界規模,最大的廣州貿易交易會上,主辦方監聽交易會參展商家的經濟情報,由軍方的技術部門安裝竊聽設備,主機在軍方的技術室,由線路遙控竊聽。在西方法制國家,不管多大的商家,企業,財團,只要非法竊取或竊聽情報事件,甚至竊聽私人電話事件一旦被抓住,就可遭到起訴,受到法律制裁。但在中國大陸,一年二度的世界規模,最大的廣州貿易交易會,竊聽外商經濟情報,竟成了一項日常的業務。