China Seen on the Verge of Civil War
Protests Continue in the Provinces
Source: Compiled by Zuofeng Li from Los Angeles Times, Reuters, June 6, 1989BEIJING - China teetered this morning on the edge of civil war, with troops presumed loyal to hard-line President Yang Shangkun in control of central Beijing but positioned defensively at strategic points in apparent anticipation of attack by rival forces.
Troops and armored vehicles were reported moving toward Beijing from the east, according to Western diplomats.
A military attache in the British colony of Hong Kong, reached by telephone this morning, said that infantry units of the air force landed at the Nanyuan military airport south of the capital Monday night and engaged in skirmishes with other military units at or near the airport.
Other small-scale duels broke out between rival troops Monday, according to Western witnesses, only about one mile west of Tian An Men Square.
At about 7 p.m. Monday, tanks accompanied by armored personnel carriers and truckloads of troops fanned out to points along the Second Ring Road that loops around the main part of the city.
About 20 tanks continued to stand guard this morning at the Jianguomen bridge on the eastern side of the city, about half facing east in defensive positions. The others faced north, south and west to control access to the strategically important bridge, which crosses the Second Ring Road.
About 100 military vehicles, including armored personnel carriers and troop trucks, were abandoned by soldiers on the west side of the city during the predawn hours Monday and later set afire by residents. Crowds around the charred vehicles reported that the soldiers who had left them and taken refuge at a nearby museum compound had said they were unwilling to fire on unarmed crowds.
Closer to the city center, shooting broke out between two groups of troops near the Minzu Hotel, only about one mile west of Tian An Men Square.
Western diplomats who spoke to reporters for the news agency United Press International said that later in the day they saw two armored personnel carriers engage in a machine-gun duel at the same location, sending bullets through fifth-floor windows of the tourist hotel.
Throughout many parts of the city, citizens erected barricades of buses, trucks, metal-and-concrete street dividers and vegetable market stalls. Citizens stood guard at intersections, many of which were virtually impassable.
The lack of transportation and an eerie tension on the streets kept most workers at home away from their jobs Monday and today. Most stores remained closed and there was worry that food shortages may soon crop up. Relatively few Beijing residents keep stores of food on hand because of a lack of refrigerators. Panic buying of food supplies began to break out.
"We have dried noodles, but that is about all. And we're almost out of cooking oil," complained a homemaker standing in a long line at a vegetable stand near the Temple of the Sun park.
In the old neighborhoods near Tian An Men Square, soldiers were seen Monday running into alleyways and shooting at fleeing residents. One witness said that a teen-age girl was shot in the chest near Tian An Men.
Rifle shots could be heard from the direction of the square in the evening, and a building was set afire on Xidan street and Changan Avenue to the west of the huge central open space.
Reports from other areas of China on Monday indicated that the situation was chaotic in many other cities outside Beijing.
Posters in Shanghai carried the message "The Blood Has Been Shed," referring to the weekend violence in Beijing. Protesters blocked traffic virtually throughout the city, an official at the U.S. Consulate said. The Shanghai municipal government warned that it would take "strong measures" unless the streets were cleared.
The situation in Shanghai further deteriorated in the evening, with authorities warning that they were about to move against the throngs of residents in the streets.
In Chengdu in Sichuan province, a diplomat reported that cars of Chinese officials were being overturned.
In Hangzhou and Wuhan, protesters sat on rail lines, blocking trains to Shanghai and a main north-south line.
According to reports, demonstrations of varying scale have been held in Tianjin, Qingdao, Nanjing, Xian, Changsha and Canton. Worker and shopkeeper strikes are brewing in some cities.
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Excerpt from a Tsinghua Student's Diary:~{⊙ 1989年6月6日 星期二~}
~{ 今天的消息越发不好,据说军队已在南郊的南苑机场附近大打起来,城里隐约还~}
~{ 街市的气氛也已很不好,行人变得稀少,火车、邮递、电报、长途电话全都中断~}
~{ 小胖上午骑车进城探路,到长安街一线就不敢往前了。他说长安街上除了军队外~}
~{ 全城已经陷入一片恐怖之中!~}
~{ 上午我到校内的储蓄所去取钱,门口已排起长长的队。大家都有一种走难的感觉~}
~{ 回宿舍的路上,碰到一个高年级的中学校友,我问他作何打算,他说实在没办法~}
~{ 下午,我准备离开学校了。我把钱、照片、笔记以及搜集的一些传单、材料,还~}
~{ 经过12号楼化工系的宿舍时,见到一对长长的挽联从楼顶一直挂到楼底,是悼~}
~{ 段昌隆是段祺瑞的孙子(注:有朋友指出,只是侄孙),三代单传。1926年~}
~{ 今天,轮到共产党的军队,在大街上向群众开枪。而段的孙子,作为青年学生的~}
~{ 我来到主楼大厅,这里搭起了悼念死难同学的灵堂。我向死难同学的灵位鞠了三~}
~{ 学院路上已不见昨天成群离校的学生了。马路中间又有被焚毁了的几辆军车,烧~}
~{ 到西四时,已近4点了。一路上行人车辆都极少。大部分商店、机关都关着门。~}
~{ 父亲的朋友住在建国门外,我只去过一次,现在去还不一定找得着。那边又靠近~}
~{ 到哲明家时,天色已经发暗。哲明的爸妈热情地招呼我进去。大姐则已经到她北~}
~{ 我走进哲明的房间,在沙发上坐下时,见到左边靠墙的大立柜的穿衣镜的右上角~}
~{ 原来昨晚天黑以后,有军队开到下面的街上,据说接到情报,说有人要烧附近的~}
~{ 军队在马路上打枪,还对周围的楼喊:不许开灯,不许开窗,不许张望。隔壁大~}
~{ 哲明这间房也挨了一枪。这颗子弹,在阳台玻璃门齐腰高的地方打了个洞,然后~}
~{ 我顺着两个弹洞的连线望出去,正是下面的大街。这颗子弹打上十几层楼,还一~}
~{ 苏虹:昨晚我在姐姐家睡觉。早上起来,姐姐说昨晚可把她和姐夫吓坏了。~}
~{ 原来昨天深夜,忽然有人砰砰地打门。一开门,戒严部队端着枪就进来了。~}
~{ 也不说话,逐个房间地看。我在房间里睡着,那么大动静也没醒。士兵进来~}
~{ 看了一眼又出去了。我姐和姐夫知道我前一阵闹得挺凶的,所以特害怕,也~}
~{ 不知道他们想干什么。~}
~{ 后来外面又有枪响,士兵在屋里查看了一番就走了。~}
~{ 到今天早上一打听,原来昨晚部队是到楼下的一家去抓人,但要抓的人跑了,~}
~{ 部队就在附近搜查了一番。~}