
2010年8月26日 星期四

Six Years Ago This DayMay 28, 1989


May 28, 1989

Tens of Thousands Took to Street; Students Resolve to Stay in TianAnMen till June 20
Source: Compiled from Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, and Reuters, May 28, 1989

About 50,000 students took to the streets of Beijing today, defying martial law with a boisterous call for democracy and demanding that Premier Li Peng resign, just as he and other hard-line Communist Party leaders were mounting a chilling ideological crackdown.

"End martial law, demand human rights!" and "Li Peng, step down!" read large red banners hoisted by the marchers, who snaked through the city along several routes.

Far fewer ordinary citizens joined the students than in several massive demonstrations over the past two weeks, but those who lined the route cheered and flashed victory signs. Passengers stranded on buses that were trapped by the rally at a major intersection leaned out their windows and clapped in approval.

"This is what is in the people's hearts," said a man in his mid-30s who smoked a cigarette as he watched from a curb.

Students were growing exhausted by their marathon camp-in in TianAnMen Square, and thousands have been returning home to the provinces in recent days, ostensibly to spread the so-called democracy movement to their hometowns. But fresh recruits continued to flow into the capital at a rate of about 16,000 a day, according to Saturday's edition of the Beijing Daily. The newspaper estimated that about 172,000 students have come to Beijing since May 16, when the hunger strike at the square began, while fewer than half that number have gone home, frequently forcing their way onto trains without paying.

At the same time, army troops encircled Beijing and awaited orders to belatedly enforce a May 20 martial-law decree.

Responding to a tense and increasingly hopeless situation, student leaders proposed Saturday that they withdraw from the square after making a final show of strength with major rallies today and Tuesday. In a conflicting strategy, however, representatives of another student faction distributed leaflets on the campus of Beijing University calling for a renewed hunger strike in front of the Great Hall of the People, on the square, and before the gates of Zhongnanhai. The leaflet also escalated demands to include revision of China's constitution.

A joint council of students and workers announced on Sunday night that the sit-in would continue until at least June 20, when the National People's Congress is expected to hold a meeting of its standing committee. Students demanded in a statement broadcast over the square that the congress revoke martial law declared by Premier Li Peng on May 20 after mass anti-government protests rocked China.

In Shanghai, about 100,000 students, workers and supporters jammed the centre of China's largest city, demanding Li's dismissal and an end to martial law in Beijing.

Witnesses said between 20,000 and 30,000 people marched in the central city of Wuhan.

Beijing and Chinese communities all over the globe held "Global Chinese Demonstration for Democracy." Some two million people participated in the event. Hundreds of thousands of residents of Hong Kong, the British colony due to return to Chinese sovereignty in 1997, marched through the streets to show their support for the Beijing students.

A special session of China's ruling Politburo on Saturday was reported to have removed moderate Zhao Ziyang from his position as head of the Communist Party, along with some of his closest associates.

Excerpt from a Tsinghua Student's Diary:

~{⊙ 1989年5月28日 星期天~}

~{  今天上午哲明和刘杰决定到广场广播台去搞“政变”,要重新回去掌握广播台。~}

~{  在这里听到消息,说王丹建议下周二,即5月30日,撤出广场。~}

~{  中午时来到广场附近,大游行正在举行。其中引人注目的是外地高校来京的学生~}

~{  外地高校的游行队伍从长安街走到建国门,然后向北到朝阳门,经朝阳门内大街~}

~{  下午回到广播台。乔樱告诉我,昨天吾尔开希、柴玲、王丹以现场指挥部的名义~}

~{  另外,还宣布在广场开办自由大学,是与香港中文大学合办的,香港方面捐赠的~}

~{  我对这个消息感到有点奇怪,就这样撤退啦?撤出广场后做什么呢?继续罢课还~}

~{  我又上到纪念碑上去了解情况。碰到罗平,他说30日撤退是“首都各界联席会~}

~{  罗平还告诉我,柴玲现在正在社科院大楼开会,似乎知识界人士正在意图充当学~}

~{  在纪念碑上和一个记者聊,他也说,当时只是以“联席会议”的名义发布的建议~}

~{  另外一个香港记者告诉我,昨晚外高联开会,北高联有两位代表列席。当时外联~}

~{  我也觉得,现在运动进入了多头发展的情况,除了学生的这些组织,还有“工自~}

~{  在纪念碑上还碰到一个《经济日报》的记者,他说绝食发生后,赵紫阳曾提出以~}

~{  这时候,听到北大的广播台在广播广场指挥部关于时局的声明和对今后形势的判~}

~{  声明称:现在中央和地方已形成了保守派的统一,下一步,1)是分化瓦解学生~}

~{  因此,若广场坚持不撤,则或者军队进不了城,那么政府作出的决定(如处理赵~}

~{  所以,学生不能撤出广场!~}

~{  我对声明中提到的邓小平讲话不明所指,就跑到纪念碑的东北侧,这里原是北大~}

~{  我回到“学运之声”广播台。这时有个外高联的秘书长来到这里,希望我们帮助~}

~{  在广播台这里还收到消息,说今晚12点指挥部召集场上各校代表开会,并请北~}

~{  这时候,又听到广播“北京各界联席会议”关于时局的十点声明。声明代表的组~}

~{  晚上外高联会议的决议是:与北高联协商整顿广场,参与广播和指挥,坚持广场~}

~{  今天在广播台还收到消息,说石景山区法院在审讯一名工人,是与学运的事有关~}

Six Years Ago This Day

